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浙江海宁尖山新区招商文章来源:中国新能源网 | 发布日期:2009-10-26 | 作者:未知 | 点击次数:
海宁市位于长三角经济圈中心地带,东距上海100公里,西离杭州60公里,沪杭高速、杭浦高速和沪杭铁路横穿海宁,被俗称为上海的后花园。 海宁经济发达,交通便利,文化进步。以潮文化、灯文化和名人文化闻名于世。海宁诞生了国学大师汪国维、诗人徐志摩、武侠大家金庸和军事家蒋百里等名人。海宁市行政隶属于嘉兴市,人均GDP位列嘉兴五县市首位,2008年中国百强县排名位列第22位,综合竞争力排名浙江第5位。 海宁俗称“皮革之都” 、“经编名城”。传统产业为皮革、经编布和家纺织品。在传统产业已经近乎饱和的情况下,海宁积极进行产业转型,市府“三五”发展战略中提出了向新能源利用(包括风能、太阳能等)、汽车零配件、机械装备、电子信息、生物医药和包装印刷等产业转型的战略决策,鼓励产业集群集聚发展。现在新型的产业链已经形成,产业规模渐趋扩大。 海宁尖山新区位于市区东南,占地42平方公里,为海宁市最大的新型开发区。新区成立于2005年,海宁市在“十一五”规划中提出了“倾全市之力打造海宁市城市副中心”的口号,力争把尖山新区建设成一个以先进制造业和高科技产业为基础,兼具休闲、旅游、度假功能的新型海滨城市。目前已经有46家企业落户新区,其中外资企业23家。 新区主要引进产业为新能源利用(包括风能、太阳能等)、汽车零配件、机械装备、电子信息、包装印刷、生物医药、医疗器械等和一些科技含量高、无环境污染、投资密度大和成长性好的产业。鼓励企业集群集聚发展。 威士达光电 旭辉光电 海宁尖山新区主要有四大投资优势: 一、区位优势。 正在建设中的杭州湾第二跨海大桥---嘉绍(嘉兴-绍兴)大桥横跨新区,是嘉绍高速的一部分,也是沈阳到海口横贯南北的主通道之一。在新区有交叉式出入口,预计2011年通车,届时海宁尖山新区将会贯通沪杭、杭浦、杭甬、嘉绍等高速,桥长10公里,为八车道设计,比全长36.6公里、六车道设计的杭州湾第一跨海大桥更加经济实惠,物流成本也将大大降低。 高标准城市化道路 尖山新区在1.5小时车程之内拥有四大港口:上海港(160公里)、宁波港(100公里)、嘉兴港(35公里)、洋山港(90公里)和四大机场:浦东机场(1.5小时)、虹桥机场(80分钟)、萧山机场(40分钟)和宁波机场(1.5小时)。区位优势相当明显。 二、土地优势。 海宁尖山新区拥有6万多亩土地,现有指标土地4800多亩,土地为治江围垦而成,特别适合大项目对土地的需求;土地手续简便,可以即征即用,无拆迁和征地费用;新区管委会提供一条龙服务,无偿代办所有审批手续;土质为粉砂质为主,土地承载能力为10-20吨/平米。土地价格便宜,目前地价仅为15万/亩,无其他配套设施费用。土地价格采取一事一议的政策,依产业类型和投资规模有所优惠。(杭州湾跨海大桥附近的地价在大桥通车前为18万/亩,通车后已飞涨到45万/亩。) (注:新区本着三优一否决的原则,即产业优先、科技有限、外资优先和污染否决,原则内资一般地价为15万/亩,外资为13.6万/亩。) 三、生态优势。 海宁尖山新区坐北朝南,依山傍水,形成一个天然的聚宝盆。更是一块深受企业家青睐的投资建厂的风水宝地。有山有水的自然环境为开发区内所罕见。新区大小尖山、凤凰山和高阳山栖息着白鹭、野鸭、天鹅等数百种鸟类,生态环境好,气候宜人,优良的地理位置使其不受台风影响。新区有占地3000多亩、风景秀美的东西湖旅游度假胜地,也有华东地区最大的36洞的标准高尔夫球场,每年吸引数以万计的国内外客商前来打球休憩。 四、政策优势。 为打造一个以制造业为龙头、综合开发的海滨新城,海宁市政府在政策方面向新区大力倾斜,特别在高新产业发展方面给予许多政策上的优惠。这就给海宁尖山新区插上了腾飞的翅膀。随着上海制造业重心向周边地区的转移,总部在上海,生产基地在周边地区的地缘经济模式已经被越来越多的国内外企业家所重视。作为上海后花园的海宁市尖山新区,也必将迎来繁荣昌盛的明天! 我们真诚的邀请企业家们来尖山新区考察旅游、投资建厂。我们将本着以人为本的服务理念,全面为企业做好服务工作。 附页: 一、土地出让:工业用地基准地价:内资15万元/亩,外资13.6万元/亩。可根据项目行业、投资强度、投资规模、投资类型予以适当优惠。 二、土地出让年限:工业50年;商业40年;房产70年。 三、标准厂房租金每平方米人民币8-12元/月。 供电:电费(大工业,1-10KV):峰电价1.054元/KWH,谷电价0.388元/KWH。 供水:居民生活用水 1.2元/M3 工业企业用水 1.836元/M3 商业用水 1.998元/M3 工资:a.最低工资:850元/月 b.平均工资:1300元/月(机械行业) 保险:工伤保险 以上年全省社会平均工资的60%(2009年1235元/月,下同)为基点的0.5%、0.8%。 养老保险 以上年全省社会平均工资的60%为基点的28%(其中8%由个人自负)。 失业保险 以上年全省社会平均工资的60%为基点的3%(其中1%由个人自负)。 生育保险 以上年全省社会平均工资的60%为基点的0.5%。 基本医疗保险 以上年海宁市社会平均工资(2007年1773元/月)为基点的9%(其中2%由个人自负)。 联系方式: 浙江海宁: 尖山新区招商局 朱伟江局长 电话:0573-87958188 13606737839 邮箱:qjzwj@163.com 上海办事处: 浙江海宁尖山新区驻沪办: 张子涵 副主任 地址:上海浦东新区东方路877号803室 电话:021-68753050 021-50811671 15801960255 [NextPage]
Zhejiang Haining JIanshan Development ZOne Facing water in three directions and with an area of 42 square kilometers, Haining Jianshan New District lies in the south of Jiaxing city, it is a rising comprehensive coastal city with advanced manufacturing industries as the leader. “Established ecologically, developed industriously, and go generally” are the development strategy of Jianshan New District. Southeast 20 kms to Haining city, at the influx part of Jianshan River, which is at the joint of Hanghzou Gulf and the north bank of the Qiantang River, stands the Jianshan New District of Haining. Covering the total area of 42 square kilometers, like a shining bright pearl embedded in the QIantang River neighboring the east sea, the northeast part of Jianshan New District conjoins with the Nanbei Lake Attraction of Haiyan city. The west and south part of it is facing Qiantang estuary looking at Xiaoshan, Shaoxing and Shangyu city. To it’s east end is the Hanghzou Gulf and links the East Sea. The Yangtze delta region, where the JIanshan New District is located, is the most dynamic economic area and the locomotive of China’s economy. The region has rapidly transformed as in the sixth metropolitan circle in the world. Jianshan New District sits at 60kms west to Hangzhou and 120kms east to Shanghai. If center on Jianshan New District’s location and draw a circle of 150-km radius, the circle will compass 9 out of 16 reputable municipalities in Yangtze delta region, namely Shanghai,Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing and Shaoxing and Suzhou etc. Jianshan New District holds a convenient traffic advantage that in its 2-hour traffic ring three major airports such as Shanghai-Hongqiao airport, Shanghai Pudong and Hangzhou Xiaoshan airports are all included into. The traffic ring also embraces four major harbors, namely, Shanghai, Ningbo, Yanshan and Zhapu Harbors. Shanghai-Hangzhou railway, Shanghai-Hangzhou express way, 01 provincial highway and Hangzhou city express ring are all built across Haining. The Hangpu express way which is 8 kms away to Jianshan New District has commenced its construction. As the second large cross sea bridge in Hangzhou Gulf, Jiashao expressway(from Jiaxing city to Shaoxing city) provides an entrance and exit set for both directions in the New District. The interweaving traffic network has composed a convenient solid traffic structure giving rise to the emergence of JIanshan New District primitive function as “main and golden path”. And this makes it a valuable region to invest. JIanshan New District was built up on the construction of inning along the seaside which has commenced since as early as 1997 and 42,021,000 square kilometers has been finalized in April 2005. As a result the land ready for development in this area is resourceful and opulent attributable to the preferential policy for project oriented lands that no government restrictions are set for land quota. The land is available for ready use on the finalization of the construction above it with a simple procedure so that demands for major projects will completely be fulfilled. The land in the new district is flat with average altitude of 4 meters. Due to that its geological components are mainly quartzite powders. Its earth land is so stable that the bearing capacity is 9-20t/m2., absolutely compliant with the construction standard. Jianshan New District provides complete public construction infrastructures with high standard city roads, readily set pipelines, and full function of the road equipments. The electric power supply network in this area is reliable and in there it has planed seven transformer substations with the capacity of 110KV and 3*50 MVA, one of which has been put into use. The plant water supply capability is supported by the specially designed pipe network in Haining Municipal water plant, more than enough to satisfy the large-scale development strategy and household water supply. Rain and waste diffluence pipe lines are utilized and the will-be-constructed waste processing plant will be capable of processing 180,000 ton a day. The area is also equipped with smooth communication network that mobile communication, digital broadband, telephone, cable and security network system are all available here. Two flooding gates has been constructed with the flood discharging capacity of 107.6 cubic meters and 35 cubic meters respectively. With its abundant tourism resources, Jianshan New District’s future for development is promising. The area is besides the mountain adjacent to the waters, sitting at the north and facing to the south. Its shape is like a peninsular and it has an 18-km coastline protruding into the river and sea. The JIanshan Gulf where the area is located is indeed a world miracle. Where the Qiantang River wave starts and alone its coastline people could overlook the gulfs dawn and listen to the waves. The hills of Hang-JIa-Hu alluvium plain are rare resources. There are precious mountain scenes existing in JIanshan New District such as big Jianshan hill, small Jianshan hill and phoenix Hill and one hill deserves the particular stress is the Gaoyang Hill with its altitude of 251 meters above the sea, making it the highest hill in the north of Hangzhou Gulf. Its neighbor is Wangfu Hill, where there is a spectacular natural view-the Wangfu stone. The forest and the primitive moorland surrounding the JIanshan New District is the home of many kinds of birds. Four seasons a year diversified species of birds are seen to aggregate at here and from lively scenery with hundreds of birds twittering. The attractive views, beautiful sceneries where sustained environment have constituted a proto type for an eco-friendly development zone. Solid Industrial Infrastructure Haining City, where the Jianshan New District is included is a place with a long history and brewed culture. The natural resource of cultural trip depicts Haining’s special local culture such as the miraculous “Wave culture”, shimmering “Lantern culture”, and the “Talents Culture”. Haining is renowned for its waves which have not only vested this wave village a reputable natural view described as “Unique and magnificent”, but brought the wave-like spirit of contribution, progress, leadership and persistence to the local people. The spirit constitutes an incredible cultural competence. Haining is reputable as “Small Shanghai” for its long-term developed commerce and trade. Thanks to the open and renovation, rapid economic growth and comprehensive competence have been realized resulted from advantages that it among the first bunch of coastal cities and countries to open the door to the outside in China. While it is also among the first group of well-off and civilized counties and cities in Zhejiang province. The city’s reputations are as many as Village of Fish and Rice, Silk Capital, Culture state, Land of Tourism and the capital of Leather Garments. In 2005, Haining’s Gross Products Value reached 21.7billion yuan, 13.5% increase from the prior year. Among the 22 county-leveled cities in Zhejiang province, its comprehensive index is ranked as the 5th. In recent years, Haining is targeting in nurturing a leading manufacture base by actively involving in cultivating and developing regional special industries. With its hard efforts, industrial famous brands such as the Capital of Leather in China,the textile base in China, and the Warp Knitting city in China have been achieved. Dominant industries like information, Bio- medicine, Mechanic Hardware have come into being. The strong industrial bases and affluent talent advantages have furnished an optimized platform for a low-cost and highly efficient development. Drastic rising led by Shanghai as the dragon head in Yangtze Delta Economic Belt. This area has turned into the most dynamic land for investment with the highest potentiality. Complete Service Functions The Haining’s 11th 5-year Plan has established the guideline of setting the Jianshan New District as the accessory center for Haining city. It is also demanded that the city’s integrity is needed to promote the development and construction of the New District. Therefore the best opportunity has been provided for the large-scale construction in the New District. The best blueprint for the Jianshan New District’s development is that on the basis of the manufacture industry, the main focus is on the export-oriented economy assisted with commerce, finance and tourism industry to establish a highly opened modernized economic New District with full equipped infrastructure and complete service function in entering the new century. The direction of Jianshan New District’s industrial growth is to mainly develop the hi-tech industry with higher technology, less pollution, promising growth expectancy and frequent investment such as IT, instrument, precision mechanics, as well as automobile and its key components. Clusters of high-tech industries are encouraged to be developed together. And meanwhile active attraction of both international and domestic large enterprises, national famous brand enterprises and predominant enterprises are encouraged that the admission condition could be individually specialized Embracing the service doctrine of being honest, practical, standard and regulative, the New District government will simplify the authorizing procedure and shorten the application time length with its best to offer one-step service to the investors. The service facilities are perfect in Jianshan New District. In respect of life service area with its most unconquerable and challenging golf court fairway in East China, a tranquil, cozy and elegant private space has been built up for the business talents. The JIanshan Golf Club is now becoming an international club, It’s becoming terrace for business, socializing ,leisure and entertainment. Hitting the ball in the wind of JIanshan, your soul is unfettered to fly and you can enjoy the merging into the soft and tender jade lake surrounded by the fabulous mountains. In the resort area, it is planed to build up a 100,050 square meters comprehensive sanitarium-functioned base merged by the functions such as resort, rest, conference, and tourism. Inside the base there will be a grand business center, shopping center and gyms. Travel agency and passenger or cargo transportation agency will be also considered in there. A comprehensive unit with multifunction such as medicare, guesthouse, conference center and leisure and tourism will also stand there. In the New District, with its excellent environment of fresh air and four distinct seasons, this place is going to become the hot land for investment, and accompanying the facilities for entertainment and leisure built up, it will become a paradise for leisure and vacations. Rising new star---the Jianshan New district of Haining, is holding enormous opportunities and new hopes and expecting the new development and new miracles to take place. The jianshan New District of HAining is expecting your coming with its fullest cordiality. To invest in JIanshan for Future Success! Key words: investment; development zone; yangtz river delta Brief Introduction of the Investment Environment (Zhejiang Haining Jianshan Development Zone) 1. Location Located between the Hangzhou Bay and north bank of Qiantang River and in the center of the Yangtze Delta economic zone, Jianshan New District was established on May 30th, 2005 which covers an area of 42 square kilometers. It’s about 100 kilometers away to the west of Shanghai and 60 kilometers to the east of Hangzhou. 9 of the 15 big cities in the Yangtze Delta like Shanghai, Hangzou, Ningbo, Jiaxing, Shaoxing and Suzhou surround this district within the area of 150kms. 2. Transportation The transportation in Jianshan New District is very convenient. The Hangzhou to Zhapu expressway is only about 8 kilometers away from Jianshan area and the Hangzhou to Shanghai expressway is about 40kms. It’s about 52kms away to Hangzhou expressway which goes around the city. The Jiaxing to Shaoxing expressway being constructed goes through Jianshan New District and meets with Huhang, Hangpu and Hangyong expressways and to which there will be an entrance in our district. The transportation here to the ports is also very convenient. Jianshan New District is about 160kms away to Shanghai Port, 100kms to Ningbo Port, 35 kms to Jiaxing Port and 90kms away to Yangshan Port. 3. Land resources Jianshan New District has abundant soil resources which can meet great needs of big projects and the procedure of land application is very simple and convenient. The average altitude of Jianshan is 4 meters high and the soil can receive 9-13ts’ pressure per square meters, which is stable enough and suitable to build any constructions on it. As there are no residential areas and any kind of constructions on this area, it’s very convenient and economical to exploit this land. As a result, the construction period and relative costs can be greatly reduced. 4. Beautiful environment Facing the sea in the south and leaning against mountains, Jianshan New District has beautiful sceneries and abundant tourism resources. The Jianshan Bay, the place where this zone is located, is the source of the famous natural wonder—Haining tide. If you go along the coastal lines of this zone, you can enjoy a range of tidal conditions, view the splendid scenery, and listen to the sound of the waves. A new Jianshan lake with an area of 206 hectares will be built in this area, and the Jianshan mountain in the north is the habitat of tens of thousands of birds, which makes the place more harmonious. Haining Jianshan Golf Club is a joint venture with the total investment of USD60 million. It will be built into an international-standard golf course with 36 holes, 144 poles, with other related facilities such as first-class hotel, clubs, swimming pools and so on. 5. Infrastructure Construction 1). Roads A 51kms-long high-standard urban road has been constructed and put into use. 2). Water supply Sufficient water supply connects with Haining urban water net. 3). Water drainage Rain water and sewage water in this district are separately drained by special pipelines and the pipelines can be set simultaneously with the construction of roads. 4). Power The power of the district belongs to east China National Grid. 5). Communication The communication here is convenient and sufficient. Jianshan New District has CATV cable line, wide band network, and wireless communications. 6). Natural gas The caliber of the natural gas is 50cm with a pressure capacity of 6Kgf/cm2 8. The present situation Jinshan New District has had a rapid development since it’s establishment. In 2008, the gross production of enterprises has reached to RMB2.24335 billion and the revenue has reached to RMB49.33million. Till 2008, altogether 43 enterprises home and abroad have invested and taken roots here,26 of which are from 10 countries and regions like USA, Great Britain, Japan, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Taiwan district and Hongkong. Among them, there are 5 auto parts manufacturers, 8 new energy saving enterprises like solar energy and wind energy, 4 machine equipment enterprises and 26 other enterprises like furniture-making factories, packaging and so on. 11 enterprises have already put into operation and 17 enterprises are under construction. 9. Developing strategy Aims set in 2009: The gross production will have reached to RMB 3.3billion, that is, increasing rate reaches to 47.1%, the revenues will have reached to RMB150 million, (rate increases to 204.1%), the profit will have reached to RMB60 million, (rate increases to 316.1%) and the total investment will have reached to 1.1billion, (rate increases to 22.8%) Jinshan New District will have been built into a new comprehensive and ecological coastal city with manufacturing industry as the leading one and tourism and leisure industry as it’s complements. 1).The industrial development strategy Jianshan New District will give a complete development of auto parts, machinery equipment, printing and packaging industry, new energy resources, Medicine and Biologic Products and other high-tech industries with low pollution, good prosperity and large investment. 2). Tourism development strategy With the east and west lake as the leading part, the tourism in this district will be developed into a provincial leisure and holiday-spending place with multiple functions. 3). Population The population of Jianshan New District will be 100,000 in the near future and reach 200,000 in the long run. Appendix: 1. The land price: The land price for the industrious use is 140,000 per mu(about RMB840,000 per acre). The price can be negotiable according to the type of industries, amount of investing capital and scale of the enterprises) 2. Time of usage: 50 yrs for industrious use, 40 yrs for business use and 70 yrs for real estate use. 3. Rent fee: 8-12 Yuan per month for standard workshops. Power supply: Power charging(for industry use1—10KV): Peak:1.054Yuan/KWH, Valley: 0.388Yuan/KWH Water supply: residential use: 1.2Yuan/ cubic meters Industrial use: 1.836Yuan/cubic meters Business use: 1.998Yuan/cubic meters construction cost: steel structure: 400-500Yuan/cubic meters bricks and concrete structure: 500-600Yuan/cubic meters Salary: a. lowest: 850Yuan/month b. average salary:1300Yuan/month(machinery industry) 联系方式: 浙江海宁: 尖山新区招商局 朱伟江局长 电话:0573-87958188 13606737839 邮箱:qjzwj@163.com 上海办事处: 浙江海宁尖山新区驻沪办: 张子涵 副主任 地址:上海浦东新区东方路877号803室 电话:021-68753050 021-50811671 15801960255
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