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“2014 绿色精英奖”揭晓

文章来源: | 发布日期:2014-10-30 | 作者: | 点击次数:


2014 10 27 -由权威专家组成的高水准评委会已从来自100 多个国家的800 多份申请中评选出了25 位大有前途的科学家。他们获得的奖品是宝贵的绿色精英——可持续发展高潜力人才国际论坛入场券。德国教育与研究部部长约翰娜·万卡教授将为获奖者颁发“第六届绿色精英奖”。 

这些新上榜的绿色精英将在德国迎来为期两周、与著名研究机构及领先专家的交流活动。通过与学术界建立联系并与重要创新人士交换想法,获奖者将能够推动其研究项目的进一步发展,并为今后的合作打下基础。获奖者还将受邀于2015 年重返德国,在他们自己选择的研究机构进行全额资助的研究访问。 

作为绿色精英评选活动的赞助方,约翰娜·万卡教授将亲自为获奖者颁奖。隆重的颁奖仪式将于2014 11 7 日上午11 点到下午1 点举行。本届颁奖仪式将是在新落成的德国教育与研究部办公大楼中首次举行的活动之一。 


报名或提出采访要求, 请在 11 6 日前采用电子邮件方式: 


欢迎您参与 2014 年绿色精英科学论坛,并通过 

www.greentalents.deLinkedIn Twitter了解更多信息! 

附件为 25 名获奖者名单。 


Project Management Agency c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR) 

European and International Cooperation 

电邮: greentalents@dlr.de 

电话: +49 (0) 228 3821 1493 

Green Talents 2014 

Nationality Gender 

Argentina m. 

Sergio Baravalle (31), MBA in Renewable Energy and Master Student in Biological and Agricultural Engineering; Understanding the Municipal Solid Waste business and its possible combination with renewable energy technologies to create sustainable and innovative solutions. 

Brazil f. 

Tatianna Mello Pereira da Silva (27), MSc in Public Policy and MPhil in Economic and Environmental Law; Inclusive Integrated Solid Waste Management. 

Canada f. 

Heather Buckley (30), PhD in Green and Inorganic Chemistry; A sustainable, Earth-abundant alternative to platinum - tethered molecular electrocatalysts for PEM Fuel Cells. 

Chile m. 

Patricio Mendoza Araya (31), PhD in Electrical Engineering; Microgrids, power system stability, renewable energy, distributed generation 

China f./m./f. 

LIU Jing (31), PhD in Microbial fuel cell technology; Microbial fuel cells as a clean and sustainable energy source 

WANG Huai (29), PhD in Power Electronics; Reliable and sustainable power electronics for efficient appliances and renewable energy applications. 

WEI Li (32), PhD in Electrical Engineering; New energy applications and energy storage systems with a focus on supercapacitor systems. 

Colombia m. 

Juan Sepulveda (32), PhD Student in Sustainable development; Low-carbon landscape planification based on energy management. 

Ghana m. 

Martin Agyemang (30), PhD Student in Environmental Management; Sustainable Supply Chain Management. 

Greece m. 

Nikolaos Moustakas (30), PhD Student in Photocatalysis/Artificial Photosynthesis; Solar Fuels - CO2 conversion to hydrocarbon chains. 

India f. 

Femeena Pandara Valappil (24), MTech in Water Resources Engineering; Spatial optimization of cropping pattern for food and biofuel production with minimum downstream pollution. 

Indonesia m. 

Adrianus Aria (31), PhD in Aeronautics; Carbon Nanomaterials. 

Kenya m. 

Kennedy Mbeva (26), MSc Student in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development; Climate finance governance: Effectiveness, Safeguards, Carbon Trading. 

Madagascar f. 

Lovanomenjanahary Marline (27), PhD Student in Botany; Factors affecting diversity and distribution of bryophytes in Madagascar under a changing environment: 

Malaysia m. 

Jian-Yuan Lee (25), PhD Student in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry; Sustainable chemistry, material science and water technology. 

Nepal m. 

Paribesh Pradhan (32), MSc Student in Physical Geography; Response of snow and glaciers melt to climate change, its effect on runoff and water availability scenarios in the Himalayas as well as natural hazard and risk assessment. 

Pakistan m./m. 

Asad Mehmood (30), PhD in Energy and Environmental Engineering; Low temperature fuel cells, development of oxygen depolarised cathodes for Brine electrolysis. 

Muhammad Saif Ur Rehman (31), PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering; Bioenergy from crop residue / Wastewater treatment using microalgae / Wastewater treatment by plant based biosorbents. 

Poland m./m. 

Maksymilian Kochanski (23), MEng Student in Sustainable Energy Engineering and MBA Student in Economics; Energy efficiency, including usage of IT for optimising environmental impact of energy systems. 

Nikodem Szumilo (26), PhD Student in Real Estate Finance; Financial and investment advantages of sustainability in real estate markets. 

South Africa f. 

Kerry Bobbins (27), MSc in Environmental Water Management; Use of Green Infrastructure for sustainable policy-making in the fields of environmental management and resource planning. 

Turkey m. 

Burak Guzelturk (27), PhD Candidate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Nanotechnology, nanophotonics for energy efficiency, solar energy harvesting, efficient lighting and laser systems. 

USA f. 

Irene Brockman (28), PhD Candidate in Chemical Engineering; Developing an Escherichia coli strain to improve yields of glucaric acid. 

Zimbabwe f./m. 

Melissa Sikosana (26), Master Student in Chemical Engineering; Nutrient and Energy Recovery from Sewage. 

Nkulumo Zinyengere (28), PhD Candidate in Environmental and Geographical Science; Assessing impacts of climate change and adaptation options for dry land farming systems in southern Africa. 

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